House rules
Public is not equal to non-committal. The basic idea behind our public WorkPlace is that the users are responsible for the atmosphere, safety and continuity. To guide this principle in the right direction, a number of rules have been set up for our users:
- Sign in on arrival and out at departure with the administrator on duty.
- Safety first! Always wear the proper protection.
- Use of the workplace and all the equipment is at your own risk.
- Help each other in the safe use of the machines and tools.
- Immediately report if a machine is not functioning properly or is incomplete.[1].
- Damage caused as a result of improper use or theft will have to be paid for.
- Leave a tidy workplace and machine(s) for the next user.
- Keep all your work mobile or in your ‘own’ storage space.
- Every session is to be paid at the end of the day, with pin or prepaid ‘kraskaart’.
- Wash up every now and then after you finish your coffee!
Ask permission to use any machine beforehand. Each user is to familiarize him- or herself [2] with the machine(s) and/or tools that he or she wants to be using, including associated safety precautions. Presence and operation of the safety features have to be checked before each use. If you are not or insufficiently familiar with the operation or use of our equipment, an instruction or course should first be followed.
Each user signs this statement prior to is or her first work, thereby agreeing with the above and also hereby certifies he or she has valid liability insurance.
The administrators are entitled to deny access to anyone who violates the above rules or otherwise fails to follow their instructions.
[1] Scrapping is buying
[2] Knowledge, experience and skill will be tested and assessed by administrators.