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Cursus Klussen

DIY: Odd Jobs House & Garden


Every household has odd jobs or repairs that need doing: loose electrics, leaking taps, things that need drilling or filling or screwing, a wall to repair with plaster, carpentry repairs etc. This course looks at tackling these small jobs and will quickly pay for itself.

  • Duration: 5 evenings in 5 weeks (5x3 hours) from 19.00h to 22.00h. No course during school holidays, in this case nog on February 20 spring break.

  • Goal: Reduce dependency on external handymen and boost self-reliance.
  • Target group: Everyone who is not yet a handyman.
  • Level: BASIC-advanced-expert.
  • Content per evening:
    • 1st: Repairing (dry)walls
    • 2nd: Drills, screws and plugs
    • 3rd: Basic electrics (theory & practice)
    • 4th: Principles of plumbing
    • 5th: Working with wood (carpentry)
  • Teacher: Dirk Lips.
  • Form: 6 to 8 persons.
  • Machines: Battery drill, caulking gun and various hand tools.
  • Peculiarities: including materials.

Our courses are partly demand-driven. For each course, the order of subjects and the attention per section can therefore vary, depending on the needs of the participants.