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It is always permissible to promote the Openbare WerkPlaats yourself in a positive way. Without the express written consent of the Openbare WerkPlaats is not allowed to use information, images,photographs, news and/or announcements disseminated in any way through www.openbarewerkplaats.nl. We regularly take photos and videos of what is being used in the WorkPlace. We ask for prior consent from the individuals involved. Should you have any objections to this, you can always (also at a later time) make this known. We will modify (read: make you unrecognizable), not use or delete the footage. please feel free to let us know if you have any questions or comments about this.
Despite all the care devoted to the composition of this website, the Openbare WerkPlaats can not accept liability for damage arising from any inaccuracies or errors in the content of this website. This website is not legally binding. All rights are reserved by the Openbare WerkPlaats.